Project Spotlight
Explore Our Cultural Resources Projects
Data Recovery of CA-NAP-928
Lead Agency:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District
Napa, California
Research Design, Data Recovery Report
March 2017 - August 2020
Implement data recovery excavation of the prehistoric village mound (CA-NAP-928) as stipulated in Memorandum of Agreement and Historic Properties Treatment Plan agreed upon between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the California State Historic Preservation Officer.
Data recovery was implemented as directed by the MOA and HPTP. A crew of 20 archaeologists (including 2 osteologists, 2 lithic specialists, and 1 faunal specialist) was mobilized to work on a rotating schedule over the course of 12 months. The site yielded a total of 175 features and 105 burials. Analysis of the materials has been completed and the Final Interim Data Recovery Report was approved by the COE in August 2020.
I-80/Gilman Interchange Improvement
Lead Agency:
Caltrans District 04/FHWA
Berkeley, CA
Area of Potential Effect, Historic Resources Evaluation Report, Department of Parks and Recreation Forms (District; Building, Structure, Object)
February - June, 2017
Evaluate built environment and assess impacts for interchange project.
Ten historic-period resources were identified and evaluated for National Register and California Register eligibility. These resources, which span 15 parcels and 23 addresses, consist of nine built environment resources and one historic-period archaeological deposit. Several of the built environment resources consist of multiple buildings that occupy more than one parcel and addresses. One one resource, the California Ink Company Complex, was recommended eligible. The historic-period archaeological deposit qualifies for evaluation exemption under the Caltrans Programmatic Agreement (PA) with the California Office of Historic Preservation, Federal Highways Administration, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Submitted to Caltrans District 4. Project deliverables have been completed on time and within budget.
Umpqua National Forest Site Evaluation
Lead Agency:
Umpqua National Forest
Douglas County, Oregon
Prehistoric Site Evaluation and Finding of Effect
July 2018 - February 2019
Evaluate prehistoric site for National Register eligibility and impacts associated with the Umpqua North Fire Complex suppression activities.
Evaluation included archaeological excavation of 5 cubic meters, resulting in:
- 42 flaked obsidian, chert, and basalt tools
- 4902 pieces of obsidian, chert, and basalt debitage
- 4 groundstone manuports
- 142 faunal bone specimens
These materials indicate an indigenous group used this location for habitation, plant, textile working, and tool maintenance. Although projectile point types and carbon-14 dates indicate the site was occupied from 2000 to 200 years ago, occupation was probably not limited to this period alone.
La Grange Emergency Bridge Repair
Lead Agency:
US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District
Merced County, California
Area of Potential Effects, Historic Properties Inventory, Finding of Effect, Treatment Plan, Monitoring Report
April 2018 - June 2018
Evaluate prehistoric site for National Register eligibility and impacts associated emergency bridge repair.
InContext facilitated consultation among Merced County, the ACOE, the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), Caltrans District 10, the Northern Valley Yokuts Tribe, the environmental permitting subcontractor, and the engineering contractor. Consultation negotiated the definition of the APE and Area of Direct Impacts, determination of eligibility, finding of effect, and appropriate treatment/mitigation measures. The Historic Properties Inventory and Finding of Effect were completed two days after execution of the contract for work. SHPO concurrence was completed in five days. Mitigation was carried out alongside construction seven days after the contract was executed. All deliverables were submitted with no edits or comments and the project was completed under budget.