La Grange Emergency Bridge Repair

La Grange Emergency Bridge Repair

Lead Agency: US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

Location: Merced County, California

Deliverables: Area of Potential Effects, Historic Properties Inventory, Finding of Effect, Treatment Plan, Monitoring Report

Duration: April 2018 - June 2018

Objective: Evaluate prehistoric site for National Register eligibility and impacts associated with emergency bridge repair.

Summary: InContext facilitated consultation among Merced County, the ACOE, the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), Caltrans District 10, the Northern Valley Yokuts Tribe, the environmental permitting subcontractor, and the engineering contractor. Consultation negotiated the definition of the APE and Area of Direct Impacts, determination of eligibility, finding of effect, and appropriate treatment/mitigation measures.

The Historic Properties Inventory and Finding of Effect were completed two days after the execution of the contract for work. SHPO concurrence was completed in five days. Mitigation was carried out alongside construction seven days after the contract was executed. All deliverables were submitted with no edits or comments, and the project was completed under budget.